Basic instructions before leaving earth [BIBLE] are found in the eternal life field guide for mankind. BIBLE explains our temporal reality: where we find ourselves; why we sense something is wrong; what is evil; who is good; and how to choose life and dwell into eternity with God in a new heaven and on a new earth.
What mankind has experienced since the sixth day when we were created is the great sieve of God separating those who would choose his eternal kingdom and those who would choose death and dwelling into eternity separated from God.
All mankind since Adam and Eve are born separated from God, others, and ourselves. A few of the many who have read/heard the BIBLE choose to believe. They are reborn into the kingdom of light as children of God. Most refuse eternal life having been taught and conditioned not to trust God or the BIBLE.
Central to the Bible is how to go from rebirth into spiritual maturity storing up treasures in heaven.
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Maranatha, DrZ
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