Why didn’t Jesus just say the word and heal everyone in the whole world all at once? Here’s the truth. It is not what “ails” us that is most important.
What is most important is will a person rise in the resurrection of the righteous and inherit eternal life. Or, will a person rise in the resurrection of the unrighteous be judged and be cast into the lake of fire for all eternity.
Adam and Eve fixed it such that all humans die because all sin; unless Jesus appears to take us to himself in the great snatching away. But if Jesus tarries, we will all die.
All the people Jesus healed, died. All the people Jesus raised from the dead died again. All the disciples died.
Everyone since Adam and Eve with the exception of Enoch and Elijah died. Only we, descendants of Adam and Eve recently born within the past 120 years, are still alive. (I’m assuming there’s at least on real old timer out there).
Jesus was not practicing omniscience with the woman of Samaria to show off. He was demonstrating the glory of God for his disciples and other witnesses.
Jesus did not heal the son of the official of Capernaum to show off. He was demonstrating for his disciples and other witnesses the glory of God. Remember what the glory of God is.
God told Moses he was going to reveal his glory to him as he passed by. God’s glory was in his name that he spoke as he passed by Moses. See Exodus 34:6-7.
The glory of God being demonstrated by Jesus was instead of frying mankind like a French fry, which we deserved, Jesus walked around being merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin.
This is what the disciples were seeing day after day on their walks following Jesus. Care to join with us and follow Jesus?
Maranatha, DrZ
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