Imagine winning the $1.8B Power-Ball Lottery and never turning in the ticket. Then knowing you’d won never giving collecting the winnings a second thought. And then getting upset after winning because of all the trials life continually throws at you despite being the winner and rich beyond your dreams. 

That scenario likely describes the lives of many if not the majority of those who call themselves Christian. 

The “exception” to that scenario are believers born again by the Spirit who live into eternal life NOW, and who receive in kind far beyond what any eye has seen or mind conceived.  

Believers are reborn out of death into eternal life. We are transferred from the kingdom of darkness, sin and death INTO the kingdom of light, the kingdom of His Son whom he loves, the Kingdom of God.

Believers are co-heirs of Christ. Co-heirs of eternal rulership over both the heavens and the earth. Co-heirs to envision, design, and co-create with God new realities both on earth and in the heavens. That and infinitely more is what awaits us on the other-side in-Christ.  

On the material side of God’s spiritual reality believers are no longer citizens of the world but citizens of heaven. As citizens of heaven, we have an obligation to be led by the Spirit (see Rom 8), “until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ” (see Ephe 4:13). 

God through Christ has already given us all we need to begin the journey into eternal life NOW. Throughout the history of the church many have pursued spiritual maturity and attained to the stature of the fullness of Christ. 

It’s never too late to begin the journey – PRESS PLAY and Listen

Maranatha, DrZ

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