All Episodes

Wednesday, June 16, 2021 #004 Person and Work of Jesus Christ

#004 Since eternity past, the Godhead has always been personal and relational by his nature. As revealed in Scripture, God is One in essence and Three...

Wednesday, June 16, 2021 #003 Trusting the Truth and Reliability of the Scriptures

#003 – Join DrZ as he reveals why you can fully trust the truth and reliability of the Scriptures. DrZ recognizes and has read many apologetics works ...

Friday, June 4, 2021 #002 Why Believing God as Creator Changes EVERYTHING

#002 - On this Episode, DrZ explores the importance and blessing of understanding that God is the Creator of EVERYTHING. From the very first verse in ...

Thursday, May 20, 2021 #001 Welcome and Introduction

#001 - Believers in Jesus Christ - WELCOME!! Join us as Dr. Philip Zimmerman (DrZ), our Bible teacher and guide, takes us on the paths through Scriptu...